Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Distributed Transportation System

As I read about how the current NY mass transit strike has impacted the entire city, I see yet another argument in favor of bicycles for transportation. Any centralized transportation system like a subway or airport hub can easily be disrupted by accident or malicious intent. Either can even be shut down by a phone call threat. The Internet was created by the military to decentralize communication and make it more robust and reliable in the event of a war. If a hub is down for whatever reason, your email is automatically routed around it to reach its intended destination. Similarly, roof top solar panels make us less dependent on the electrical grid and central power plants. In contrast, our transportation system is much too vulnerable to single point failure. Subways and airports are the worst, but cars are not much better. Cars can give people the illusion of power and independence, but as we recently experience when the recent hurricane took several critical refineries off line, they are very dependent on a centralized petrochemical infrastructure. A bicycle based transportation system is completely decentralized and robust.


Blogger Andy92129 said...

The unfortunate thing about New York City is their weather. This is a great idea for Southern California.

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proper equipment is key to cold weather riding. For great tips go to:

4:22 PM  

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